My reason for traveling
When I think back to my original inspiration for exploring the world, it is difficult for me to pinpoint exactly where it all started. I often refer to my university experience with international friends, but that really isn’t the source of my drive to know the world.
I remember back to when I was a boy. Like most children, I started off asking a lot of “what”, “where”, “how” questions, always uttering an additional “why” after every concluding statement my parents would make. As I grew older, I continued to wonder about why things worked and why people made decisions like they did, which gradually developed and evolved into deeper questions like where this person was from, what they had seen in their life, even their approach to making decisions or how their past life experiences has influenced that thought process. I remember back to the days of my youth when I was told a story in class or through a movie about far away lands, my imagination would run wild. I would almost imagine myself in that place experiencing the story first-hand. I developed a desire to know the story of people, which to me is in many ways, the story of our world.
I developed a desire to know the story of people, which to me is in many ways, the story of our world.
As I entered the university, I think that my dreams started to become a reality, which is why I usually allude to my university years as for being my start to travel. It started to take root with friends from far away places who exposed me to a world unseen, intriguing me to new interests and curiosities. I quickly developed this thought that every culture has something to teach us. I recall during that time, I started to dream about spending a moderate amount of time in each region of the world simply to learn and be schooled in their cultures and way of life. It may be the work ethic and dedication of a specific group, a specific lifestyle or viewpoint on life, religious/spiritual devotion, idea of community versus individuality or the opposite, or a slew of other principles that culture can teach us, but to this day, I continue to believe that this is true. Each and every culture on this Earth can teach something. It is precisely this principle that I believe in. Those who learn and are willing to think ‘outside of the box’ will be forever changed by the world.
I travel to learn, and learn to travel. The world is a beautiful-paradox of a place. The more I learn of it the more my curiosity yearns for it. From this point on, I hope traveling will be an integral part of my life in some way. Even when I am unable to travel, I still actively seek that ‘international’ feeling at home. I’m fortunate to have had experiences that I’ve had so far, and I can only look forward in anticipation to what the future holds.
Below is my first attempt at poetry on a public forum. I hope that you can relate to it.
Why I Travel
I travel to experience the late night bustle of Moroccan streets,
while remembering the audible sounds of Flamencan beats.
I travel to feel the icy waters of Icelandic shores,
while admiring the decadence of the historical Moors.
I travel to taste the freshness of nature,
while forever seeking a new adventure.
I travel to learn where I am wrong,
while my mind replays that beautiful Persian song.
I travel to touch both modern and ancient,
while humbly waiting in a Czech train station patient.
I travel for the thrills, frills, and unexpected turns,
while knowing I pursue what every man yearns.
I travel to see in person what is hard to imagine,
from Tiwanaku to Dushanbe I’ll go.
I travel to love, what more is there?
A love for the world is something to bear.
That’s why I travel.
Thanks for reading, I’m glad to have you as a reader!

Nice blog mate. Do you have travel plans this year?
Thanks man! Not yet. I am working on that one. A lot is up in the air right now
Thank you Andy, congratulations to you too! Continue up the good work on your blog – the more people that are inspired by travel the better world we will have!
Merci Melissa! You as well. I appreciate you stopping by!
thanks for sharing your poetry, Andy! 🙂
Thanks for stopping by Badai! I like your site, best of luck to you!
anyway, congrats Andy for being one of 16 winners of Big Blog Exchange! I knew you would win! your site is inspirational 🙂
Thanks so much Badai! That is very kind of you to say!
congrats andi for being top 100, there’s a lot of reason for travelling, by reading others why they r goin for traveling, it such an enlightenment,i like this line ” I travel to learn where I am wrong,”
I definitely agree, I could probably list 100 reasons to travel the world! That is one of the more serious lines, I mean that sincerely. I cannot tell you how many times I have been traveling and seen something that changed me forever. Stereotypes that I have or misconceptions, whatever they may be, all seem to fade from traveling. Congrats to you as well, I am so happy to connect with the other finalists. Have a great weekend over there!
quote “I cannot tell you how many times I have been traveling and seen something that changed me forever”, u just make another reason for travelling^^, the fact, most of the traveler that i met, they are open minded and have cultural sense and understanding to respect others. at least when u r travel, u always be grateful for what u have in life, isn’t it. if u r travel to asia oneday, u can’t escape Indonesia. lol
You are very right Cicilia! When you travel you not only meet wonderful people, but also gain much more respect for what you have in life. I’d definitely be interested in stopping in Indonesia. Whenever I eventually get to travel more, I will be going to Asia! Hopefully sooner rather than later.