Fresh off the press and some classics
Urban Exploring in Puerto Rico: Episode 1

Urban Exploring in Puerto Rico: Episode 1

I have done urban exploring several times in the past. One of my favorites was Hotel Belvedere in Dubrovnik Croatia. I never got around to making a post on that one though. Perhaps, I should. Since I arrived in Puerto Rico, I’ve noticed that there is a fairly high quantity of abandoned buildings. That is why I chose to label this Episode 1. I think that it will be the first of many.

If you are still wondering what urban exploring is:

Urban exploration (often shortened as urbex or UE) is the exploration of man-made structures, usually abandoned ruins or not usually seen components of the man-made environment. Photography and historical interest/documentation are heavily featured in the hobby and, although it may sometimes involve trespassing onto private property, this is not always the case and is of innocent intention. (Source: WikiPedia)

I think that urban exploring is really interesting because you get to imagine what things were like. It is a way of making art out of something that is no longer used. Often, sites for urban exploration are littered with old relics and graffiti even a degree of trash if the site has been inhabited.

While walking to the Old San Juan area, I stopped to explore an abandoned housing project with a friend. I was able to take some pictures of the building as well as get some shots from inside a few of the rooms. Here are some of my favorites.urbanexploringpr1

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la foto (22)

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Photo Irony?





That is someone’s home.


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  1. This is a great idea for a series! These are great.
    Kieran Maynard recently posted…How to use the Linguee dictionary to learn SpanishMy Profile

    • Thanks Kieran! I really enjoy old buildings like this they are quite interesting. I need to make the post about the abandoned hotel in the Balkans that I visited. I think that it would be interesting.

  2. You want cool but eerie shots? Checkout any abandoned Mental Hospitals/Institutes. Videos like these make me want to get people together to resurrect many of these abandoned structures in the Island.

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