Fresh off the press and some classics

Before You Leave

Before leaving on a trip

To a large degree any backpacking trip is free in that you have generally little plans about where you are going, what you are going to see, and sometimes even the total amount of time that you will be traveling for.  There are however, some considerations that need to be looked at before you leave for multiple reasons.

For example, you need to first have a passport.  Without a passport you will not get very far in the travel world.  Obtaining a passport takes some time so you will need to begin the process early in order to plan around your trip.  I remember it maybe taking a few months to get my passport, but you can surely pay for expedited service if you wish.

The next thing that you have to consider is where you are going.  No you do not need to plan out your trip city by city, but it is  important to know the general region that you plan to travel.  The reasoning is because certain countries require visas before entering.  Often, these countries require you to apply and receive a visa before leaving your home country.  Other countries do not.  Some countries have vaccination requirements for people entering from abroad.  In this case you will need to get the necessary shots and documents before leaving.  This could take some time and money in scheduling a trip to the doctor or clinic. Lastly, less thought about things like weather, currency, seasons, et cetera will affect your trip to some degree.

This is not an all-inclusive list by any means, it is just meant to jog your memory some and realize that although backpacking trips are fun and exciting, you still have to plan some to a certain extent.

Check out my other articles that can help you to plan before leaving on your journey

How to pack for a trip

How to save money for a backpacking trip



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