Taking Barcelona by Sky
Looking down on a beautiful European city
One of my favorite things to do in any city I visit is to try to find a place where I can climb up and look over the city. I find there to be something especially serene about overlooking a large city. It makes everything so simple. All the hustle and bustle of the streets, all the city noises, simply gone for a moment.
The skyline of Barcelona is not a concentrated cluster of buildings like Manhattan Island nor is it an illustrious bustling city like Tokyo. The skyline of Barcelona points out to you what you slowly figure out by walking the streets of Barcelona. Not only is Barcelona a beautiful city, but there is seemingly always something new to uncover and discover. Barcelona has an old district, commonly referred to as the Barrio Gótico. There is a new district where many of its modern buildings and industrial center lie. There is a port. There are large parks and grand avenues. Monuments and beautiful churches, such as la Sagrada Familia, are tucked away in different corners of the city.
Most would say that Barcelona is the heart of Catalunya. It is highly esteemed by the Catalan people and is a central focus of the culture and regional pride. Barcelona is everything Catalan. Barcelona has an extended history ranging from Romans to WWII even to rough times under Franco the Spanish dictator who ruled until 1976.
The Skyline of Barcelona from many different angles
Overlooking part of the city from the art museum at Montjüic. A beautiful place to sit and have lunch.
Looking at Montjüic from one of Barcelona’s hills.
The city!
Can you see La Sagrada Familia and Porto Olimpico?
La Sagrada Familia is seen towering in the middle. A huge Barcelona landmark.
Northeastern Barcelona and the industrial (new) sector.
The Southwestern part of Barcelona, overlooking the city and airport.
Overlooking one of Barcelona’s hills.
Sunset over Barcelona
La Sagrada Familia on the left. You can see the W hotel just over its right shoulder.
Which is your favorite picture? Have you been to Barcelona before?
Thanks for reading, have a good day!

I’ve never been to Spain but am hearing lots of good things about Barcelona at the moment.
Your pictures give a great effect of the size of the city. I love the colour of the buildings and the sea in the background. The big green building looks like the Gherkin building from London has been transported to Spain.
Barcelona is one of my favorite European cities. There are a lot of tourists during the summer time, but there is still a local feel if you know where to go. It is beautiful in many ways and there is always something going on. It has a unique energy about it, it definitely leaves an impression on you.
By the way, I checked out the Gherkin building, that is crazy! It looks almost identical to the one in Barcelona you are right.