Language Learning Links

A listing of Language Learning Links

Una lista de enlaces para aprender una lengua

This is a link directory for people who want to learn a language.  If you want to learn a language look at the language learning link directory below and view the resources to find help in your learning process.  Please feel free to share the links for universal learning.

Este directorio es para la gente que quiere a aprender una lengua nueva.  Si, quieres a aprender una idioma mira al directorio en esta pagína y clique los enlaces para encontrar lo que busque.  ¡Sienta la libertad a compartir los enlaces para aprendizaje global!


Spanish – Español – Spagnolo – A good site for help with conjugating Spanish verbs.


Italian – Italiano – Italiano

Italian Verbs –


Russian – Idioma Ruso – Russo – A very good resource for learning Russian online. – A site by Russians for learning Russian. Great tips from the language as well as real Russian culture and history.


Turkish – Idioma Turco – An inclusive website with very helpful explanations for the Turkish language, including history lessons, and practical use of Turkish.


Multi-Language – Muchas Lenguas – Molte lingue – LiveMocha is by far the best language learning resource online.  It is free. – Duolingo is a great resource for the European languages. I think that it can be an effective vocabulary builder for anyone wanting to learn Portuguese, Spanish, French, German, English, or Italian.

MangoLanguages – A good source for learning phrases.

Foreign Service Institute (FSI) – Language courses –


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