Travel Resolutions for the New Year
It is that time of year again. As we reflect over this past year’s events. We’ve seen trials; we’ve seen tribulations. We’ve been tested. We’ve experienced, and we’ve grown. We are thankful for the holiday time that we spent with family and friends. We anxiously awaited our ever impending Mayan induced zombie apocalypse. Now, we look forward with anticipation to the New Year.
I’ve spent the last few weeks contemplating my year. I’ve reviewed my successes and my failures; areas that I want to improve in my life, and the person that I want to be in the future. In so doing, I have come up with a list of 13 travel resolutions for the new year that I am going to do my best to achieve. They may not all be specifically travel related, but they are all ‘international’. Hopefully, you may find them applicable to your life as well.
1.) Begin to learn another language – Personally, I love languages. I think that the fundamental art of communication through the many different languages of our world is a beautiful thing. If you ever wanted to learn a second language, why not start now? I’m looking to learn the Arabic alphabet maybe, or some Portuguese! Maybe both.
2.) Eliminate one stereotype – I think that we’d all be lying to ourselves if said that we didn’t live with stereotypes in our minds. Stereotyping is human nature. We compartmentalize, which makes life easier for our brains. The problem is, sometimes, we over-compartmentalize and limit people too much. Why not try to overcome one stereotype in 2013?
3.) Visit one new country – You might be thinking, only one country. It might seem insignificant. However, visiting just one country can change your life. In 2013, if I am able to explore one new country I’ll be happy. Tons would always be nice, but traveling is not always quantity over quality. Often, we get much more from taking it slower.
4.) Make a difference – This year I am going to try to make a difference somewhere. No matter how big or how small, a difference is a difference. Read the starfish story for inspiration. Whether it is by promoting peace, eliminating an injustice, helping a friend, helping a stranger, I am going to do it.
5.) Read a new Holy Book – Religion is a really interesting topic to me. I thoroughly enjoy discussing religion with people from around the world. I also like to learn the perspective and beliefs of other religions. In order to get along, we must understand one another. Therefore, this year, I am going to read one new Holy Book. I’ve read the majority of the Holy Bible at least once. Perhaps this year it will be the Holy Quran or Gita. What do you think?
6.) Learn how to make an international dish – In order to satisfy my taste buds in the New Year, I think that I am going to learn how to make one new international dish. I enjoy cooking, although I do not get to do it that often. Some say that the best way to get to know a culture is through its food. Therefore, in 2013 I will learn how to cook something international. Do you have any recipes for me?
7.) Improve my geography and history – I enjoy knowing the geography and history of the world. It becomes especially more important when I get to discuss things with international friends. I am better able to understand things that they are talking about based off of a general comprehension of history and geography. This year, I am going to test my limits and learn a few new things.
8.) Become more spiritual – I don’t often talk about my personal beliefs especially not on a public forum, but I consider myself to be spiritual. Although I struggle, like everyone else, I do my best. This new year, I am going to make a point to be more spiritual in my life. That will require sacrifice and determination, but most things worth working towards aren’t easy.
9.) Befriend more internationals – I get my energy from people. Therefore, this year, I am going to step out of my comfort zone a little more and meet new people in different places.
10.) Host a Spanish table (mesa española) – La mesa española, or Spanish table, is a gathering of locals who wish to practice their communication in Spanish. This year, I am going to open up to a local gathering and invite some locals to attend. ¡Entonces, podemos practicar la lengua!
11.) Educate someone who asks – Knowledge is the single most valuable gift that you can give someone. If given the opportunity, I am going to share information with someone. “Give a man a fish, feed him for a day; teach a man to fish, feed him for a lifetime.” – An old Chinese proverb
12.) Try something new once a month – Far too often, we find ourselves in a rut. We get into a routine and time seems to slip away. Not this year. Whether I have the energy or not, I am going to seek at least one new experience a month. What have you always wanted to try?
13.) Develop a better understanding of all things international – I added this catch-all phrase in to conclude with anything that I may have forgotten. What are you going to pledge this year? Maybe you have put off a trip for a few years, or always wanted to do something, but never quite have. Make this year different. Set goals, enroll, sign-up, leave, start, stop, go. You decide your destiny.
What do you think?
Did you have any travel resolutions for 2013? What is that one thing you have always wanted to do, but never have?
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Get to 40 countries (I’m at 32) and to find somewhere I want to live… for a while 😉
That is quite ambitious but definitely attainable. I hope you get the chance to explore those new countries!
Could not think of more perfect resolutions for the new year! Love all of these!